Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The LAST Chemo Treatment (for this round)

Monday marked treatment #12 and the completion of the first round of chemotherapy. It’s hard to believe that I’m at the end of this part of my journey. I’m glad to have the first leg over with but it does feel a little disheartening to know that I no longer have the routine of weekly treatments. (I never thought I would think that.)
A huge blessing: I received the results from my MRI, and the chemo did its job - the tumor is much smaller and my surgeon was very impressed with the images. 

Today I unpacked my chemo basket and put it aside for a while. I will be using it again as I will be having another round of chemo later.
Right now the plan is to have surgery on April 12th.  I would appreciate your prayers as my family prepares for the next leg of this journey.  
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No Children in the House

Yesterday was a BIG day for Ken and me. Kalyn turned 13 and entered the world of being a “teenager.” Aimee joined us and we sang “Happy Birthday” and celebrated with her. She was able to blow out all the candles on her cake of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Moose Track ice cream. The cake was enjoyed by everyoneJ.    

Chemo Treatment #11

It’s hard to believe, but there is only one loop left on the chemo chain.  Monday’s infusion went smoothly. I am now looking forward to one more treatment and moving on to the next phase in this journey. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Chemo Tunnel

It feelsgood to have exited what I call my “chemo tunnel”.  Beginning about 12 hours after the infusion I feel as if I enter a tunnel. My thinking is muddled and it is challenging for me to comprehend questions and to give coherent answers. Usually within about 36 hours I end up having a headache which lasts for about a day and half. It feels wonderful when the headache leaves and I feel back to myself. What a gift to feel like Donna again! Maybe just two more weeks of visiting the tunnel and then it will be on to a different adventure.  
I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful support system while I’m in this “tunnel." How lucky our family is to have a group of dear people who are feeding us, praying for us and willing to help us in whatever way we need.  Thank you for being one of our support system.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Number Ten

Infusion treatment number TEN is now flowing through my body.  I finished the treatment today around 4:30 and left the center sporting a Dora Band-Aid provided by Emory. I must say it is much nicer than a piece of gauze held on by a strip of paper tape. To celebrate this milestone in the journey, Ken and I feasted on carrot cake with cranberries and other goodies provided by Juliet.  It was delicious and I even let Ken have about half of it this week. (It wasn’t a whole cake in case you are concerned.) The ice cream is still in the freezer waiting to be consumed.  So far, the children have been respectful of my edict. 
The infusion nurses never know what to expect from me. Upon entering today and being shown to my chair I capped off my grand entrance by spilling part of my glass of ice tea. The nurses were then waiting to see what my next trick would be. Luckily, I calmed down and didn’t provide too much of a show.
Today Jane was my primary nurse with Lydia and Anne filling in as needed. It’s amazing to see how the unit works - they cover for each other without having to be asked and watch out for each other’s patients as if they were their own.  I feel very blessed to be at the clinic and have this group of nurses looking out for me. God has been good to me.
This week we reduced the amount of steroids I received to see if that helps to minimize the headaches. We’ll see what happens as the week goes by. It felt good to have a little bit of control.
We received the approval for another MRI which will help us determine the next part of this journey. Right now the oncologist is leaning towards surgery shortly after chemo, so I have an appt. with the surgeon this week to receive his input. I have an echo scheduled and another consolation appt. with the plastic surgeon. It looks like the next few weeks will be busy with additional appointments. Please pray that God will guide me as I make the next decision and give me confidence as I chose the path to take.

Weekend Treats

This weekend was a special one. Satuday started with not one, but TWO walks.  Ken and I got up and went walking early in the morning and then later in the morning I was able to go walking with my next door neighbor, Clara. What a treat to get to visit with her as we explored our neighborhood. The flowers are blooming, the trees are beginning to get there leaves and the sun was shining. What more could you wish for?
Saturday afternoon was spent outside Starbucks visiting with a new friend.  What a treat to have Starbuck’s twice in one week! That’s unusual event for me. I met Kari there. She welcomed me into the sisterhood of breast cancer women. She arrived with a goody bag filled with all kinds of things to help me on this journey. The best gift she gave me were sharing her story with me along with lots of advice and words of wisdom. 
Sunday began with a trip to the clinic for my weekly blood draw. Ken was even able to give me the summary from Randy’s sermon before they called my name. The draw went quickly and we were on our way home to enjoy some family time.
My Sunday afternoon was busy. I went to a “Grandmother Shower” for Kathy and was able to feel normal for a few hours. What a joy to be with friends and celebrate the upcoming arrival of a new granddaughter. 
After the shower I was able to visit with another friend before attending AWE. It is always a joy to get to worship with my fellow Christians. This is something I truly miss since I’ve not been able to attend church on a weekly bases.  Staying away from germs can be a challenge. The theme for the evening was “Mountain Top Experiences”. I’m not sure this counts as a mountain top experience but it was a good reminder that our lives change and we all experience different events. We each have our own challenges to face and your mountain will look very different from mine.
Right now, I’m preparing for infusion #10 which means I’ll be five-sixths of the way done. 
Monday, March 14, 2011

Filoli With a Friend

On Friday I was treated to a wonderful afternoon with my dear friend Becca. She picked me up around noon and we enjoyed feasting on wraps at Rojoz’s before driving up to Filoli. We then spent over two hours walking around enjoying the beautifully landscaped gardens. The daffodils and some tulips were blooming. It was a sunny, warm day which just added to the beauty of God’s creations. My two favorite spots were the sunken garden and walking through the daffodil meadow.The fruit trees were blossoming with white, pink or salmon colored flowers or were tinged with green buds about to explode. What a lovely way to spend the afternoon! We left Filoi and then stopped at Starbuck’s to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and a petite dessert. This was an afternoon to celebrate life not count calories. After another enjoyable time of visiting Becca dropped me off at home tired but delighted with my afternoon adventure.
Filoli is an estate that was built in the 1910s near Crystal Springs Lake in Woodside. The house and gardens are open for touring. They employ 14 full-time horticulturists besides over one hundred garden volunteers to keep the gardens maintained. The flowers are just exquisite to see! Filoli was named by combining the first two letters from the key words in the owner's credo: “Fight for a just cause; Love your fellow man:  Live a good life”.  His credo has some merit for all of us.
I must admit that I’m glad I’m on this journey during the end of winter and beginning of Spring. I find that the gray days can make me feel more blue and that the sunny days make it easier to face the challenges in the adventure.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chemo Treatment #9

Look at how short my chemo chain is!Yesterday marked chemo treatment #9 and being three-fourths of the way done with this adventure. Kalyn went with me for the first 30 minutes of the infusion. 
She had a doctor’s appt. at the clinic so she went to her appt. and then Ken drove her home so she would be able to attend soccer practice. Ken returned to the clinic for about the last 45 min. of the infusion. He arrived with a pint of Baskin Robbin’s Mocha Almond Fudge! I won’t tell how much of the pint of he enjoyed but it was a very special way to mark this milestone. I even came home and told the children that there was to be no spoon dipping in Mom’s ice cream. We’ll see how long that lasts. 
We were able to continue celebrating this milestone when dinner arrived last evening - steak with twice baked potatoes. Yum!
I continue to be overwhelmed with all that others are doing for us. What may seem like a little thing to you can be a big gift to us. Thank you for all you are doing to help carry us along. Our family feels very blessed.

Friends and Hot Beverages

This past weekend was a special one. On Friday, Cathy was able to sneak away from the speech tournament hosted by West Valley College and come over for a visit. We each enjoyed a cup of tea as we visited. Cathy is allergic to cats so she had to limit her visit, but it was still quite a treat!  
On Saturday, Amy, Chandra, and Debbie picked me up and we went out for coffee and almost an hour and a half of visiting. How fun it was to get to catch up with everyone and see who is doing what! Amy had flown in from Nashville to surprise another friend for her 40th birthday, so it was extra special for me to get to see her, too.
Two very special treats in one weekend!
I also was able to see one of Kalyn’s soccer games on Saturday which is always fun.  Go United Whites!!!

Lonely Flamingo

True to the note, all of the flamingos flew away by Friday morning but one got left behind. I have been enjoying him but he does look a little lonely. I’m not sure he was meant to be left or not! If he wasn't, if anyone knows how to reconnect him with his flock that would be wonderful. He would be missed but I’m sure his flock would be happy to have him back.    
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pink Flamingos in Saratoga???

This morning when I opened the door to go out for my morning walk I was greeted by a flock of pink flamingos. Lying by the mat was the following note.
(Either pic of the note or the note typed out)
When Ken left for work this morning he mentioned that there were birds in the front yard but I didn’t understand his statement until I walked out the front door.
A big “Thank you” to my Pink Flamingo Friends.  You brought tears to my eyes as I was reminded that I’m not facing this battle by myself and that others care. Yesterday was one of the tougher post-chemo days and the arrival of the flamingos was not a coincidence. Thank you for listening to God’s prompting and then acting on it. You have blessed my life and my day. I will enjoy watching the flamingos today and will be sad to see them leave. 
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Two-thirds of the way done

With yesterday’s treatment I am now two-thirds of the way done with this portion of the journey.  I was reminded on Friday that it is going to be an extensive adventure but it is good to know that the first leg of it is near completion. The infusion went well. It only took 2 ¾ hours. Ken and I were in the car leaving the parking lot 3 hours after we had arrived - that was a treat.

The nurses at the center are wonderful. Anna, Lydia, and Peggy have all worked with me. Today I had Peggy. As she was giving me my pre-meds she asked me if I had brought my Dora band-aid.  I had left them out of my basket last week, but today I did have one which she placed over my port once I was finished with the treatment. 

When I arrived home I was able to tear off another loop from my countdown chain. I must tell you that I enjoy how short it is looking. What a treat it will be to tear it down in a few weeks! 
God blessed me with very good blood work this week especially since we were dealing with lots of illness at home. Kedrick was ill Tuesday through Friday evening with Kalyn under the weather from Wednesday on. A doctor’s visit on Saturday revealed that Kalyn had an ear infection; she is now on a prescription. Kendall and Ken both had a cold and I had the challenge of nursing from a distance. The couch quickly became off limits and we even required masks for a day or two. I’m very thankful to say that everyone is on the mend.
We’ll see what adventures this week brings. Thank you for the prayers. I know that they are what caused my white blood cell count to be so good and helped me to remain healthy. I continue to feel blessed daily.
Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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