Monday, October 24, 2011

On the Mend – YEAH!!!

Just a quick update to let you know that after being home for a week, I can report that all my systems have decided to work together and I’m beginning to feel better.  I’m slowly adding more protein, fruit and veggies to the diet.  I even was able to go to my exercise class today and also see Kalyn play goalie for the first game of their district cup.  I then proceeded to spend most of the afternoon on the couch resting.  I have a feeling it is going to take a little bit of time to get my strength back.  
Thank you for the prayers.  They are helping.  You know that you haven’t felt well when you don’t even care that the house is messy, the bills haven’t been paid, and that there are lots of loose ends to take care of.  I haven’t even had the energy to answer emails.  I know that I will get caught up, but it won’t be for several weeks. 
It is during these times that I have to remind myself that God is in control, He has a plan and it’s just my job to live His plan to the best of my ability. I’m so glad we serve a faithful God.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Small things, BIG things

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you.” Jeremiah 29:11

It’s amazing how the small things in life can become big issues, like the little splinter in your finger that gets infected and finally works its way to the surface. Our family has been reminded of this for an entire week.
As I blogged in Sept., I went to the hospital for an outpatient procedure which resulted in a 24 hour hospital stay.  I returned home to heal and to live under the illusion that I was in “control” of my life.  I’m beginning to realize what a bill of goods the Devil sold us on that illusion.  Our family enjoyed a quiet weekend together with just a few activities and ready for a new week. 
Mon., Oct. 3rd I had my FIFTH Herceptin infusion, with only three left to go.
Tues., Oct. 4th, the surgeon removed my staples, and said everything looked so wonderful that I could even cancel my follow-up appt. I felt like the light at the end of the tunnel was looking extremely bright.
Wed. Oct. 5th Ken and I enjoyed eating dinner together and watching some baseball before I began to feel ill.  I thought I had either caught a stomach bug (lucky me) or given myself food poisoning with my “homemade” meatballs.  With Ken’s loving TLC we made it through the evening and I spent most of Thurs. healing, while Ken called two different doctors for advice.
I spent Thurs. and Fri. trying to recover from the stomach bug without much luck.  I even dug into the leftover chemo drugs for anti-nausea meds.  You know something is wrong when water doesn’t even feel good after you drink it.
Sat., Oct. 8th: After a rough Fri. night, Ken was on the phone Sat. a.m. to try to get me some help.  Around 10:30 a.m. the doctor on call for oncology recommended that he take me to either urgent care or the ER: He didn’t think I had the stomach flu but a possible bowel obstruction.
My last visit to the El Camino ER was over 45 years ago, shortly after my family moved to CA.  I don’t remember much of that visit but this one will be with me for many years.  The staff was wonderful and within about 1 hour of our arrival I was admitted to the hospital for a day or two.  I would also be the lucky receipient of a NG tube – that was a “delightful” experience.
The first major disappointment about this unexpected turn was that I would miss Kalyn and Kedrick’s music recitals on Sun.  They have both been working very diligently on their pieces and I was looking forward to an enjoyable afternoon.  Thanks to modern technology I was able to see their performances via video camera and be a proud mama.  
Sun., Oct. 9th, Ken juggled spending time with me with attending the recitals and then the award ceremony four hours later, treating children to Yogurtland, trying to make sure Mom felt included in the daily activities, and finally tying up loose ends at work as he had to request the week off and being superdad when needed. 
Mon., Oct. 10th, we discovered that “spending a day or two” in the hospital was an “optimistic” statement: A specialist was called in and discussed the option of surgery for Wednesday. I was also started on IV nutrients which meant another IV line.  Kalyn and Kendall came to spend time with me, which was very sweet.  What a treat when your children can drive to see you.
I spent a very restless night trying to sleep Mon. night.  You have to understand that “trying” is the optimal word.  With two IVs I kept making the IV pump alarms ring which required me to call the nurse to reset the pumps.  I was also hooked up to leg circulation booties, so I had to be disconnected from all my pumps before I could even visit the Ladies’ Room.
Tues., Oct. 11th brought with it a new PICC line in my left arm so I could more easily receive the IVs and have fewer pump restarts.  God always gives us some small blessing during the middle of a challenge.  Becca stopped by to paint my toe nails, which was another heaven sent blessing.
Wed., Oct. 12th: Challenges always let you know who your true friends are and that is what Wed. ended up being for us.  Several weeks ago we scheduled foot surgery for Kedrick and he faithfully prepared for the operation, making sure his responsibilities were covered and coursework was up to date. We just didn’t know that Mom would still be hooked up to an NG pump and also on the surgery schedule for the day.   Once again, God showed His faithfulness.  Ken called Paty to be with me at the hospital and asked Melody and Emily to be with Kedrick at his surgery center.  Ken planned to bounce back and forth between medical facilities.  But . . . God is good and my surgery was moved to Friday to give my system more time to kick in gear. Kedrick’s surgery was an hour late, which gave Ken a little more wiggle room in his commuting, and Kalyn became a Suit family member for the second day. You have a true friendship with someone who will sit at a surgery center waiting for your child to be released and then take care of him while he is still under the influence of drugs.  I think Emily and Melody will have many stories to tell on Kedrick.  Melody brought Kedrick home and then fed everyone who was there, which took a little bit of creativity.  What a trooper! 
Ken spent time with me in the evening before returning home to be the night shift nurse. 
Thurs., Oct. 13th my “systems” were making enough noise that I was able to enjoy clear liquids for lunch and dinner.  It’s amazing how thankful you can be for clear beef or chicken broth, jello and juice.  I was treated to some time with both Ken and Kendall on Thurs. evening. 
I was still on the surgery schedule for Fri., but since the orders where never inputted I spent the night sleeping and dreaming of eating cream of wheat for breakfast.  I admit I wasn’t pleased to see chicken broth for Friday’s breakfast but I made a quick attitude adjustment.  I did get cream of wheat for Sat.’s breakfast.
On Friday, Oct. 14th, the NG tube was removed.  PRAISE the LORD.  I also was given permission to eat very soft food –and go home.  YEAH!!!  God is faithful.  Ken and Kalyn picked me up around 7:30 pm.  They both were trained on how to flush my PICC line, which they have been doing faithfully the last few days.  We’ve had several laughs over the challenges of getting the air bubbles out of the syringes.  Kalyn is quite the determined nurse.
Sat., Oct. 15th was spent with Kedrick and Kalyn, and visiting with Dad and Jeanne who stopped by to check on me on their way down South.  Dad treated the family to Chinese food last night which included egg drop soup for me.
Sunday we enjoyed sleeping in (God forgave us for missing church), having a late brunch and family devo time.  Kendall arrived home from the Men’s retreat and it was a joy to hear the children laughing as they played Wi together.  We celebrated with Kenna as she completed her first half marathon in less than three hours. 
It is going to be a very quiet week as I continue to heal and enjoy being with my family.  This whole experience has been an excellent reminder that little things can become bigger than anticipated, but we’ll make it through with God on our side.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Another Checkmark

UPDATE: Donna's procedure has been completed and she "gets to stay in the hospital until Friday". Please continue praying for a quick and pain-free recovery! 


On Wednesday, September 28th,  I’m having an outpatient procedure which will be my next checkmark on my cancer “To Do” list.  Ken and I are to be at the hospital at 5:30 am and hopefully will be home by 2:00 pm.  I’d appreciate prayers that all goes as planned and that there are no complications.
After this checkmark there will be just four more Herceptin infusions before I can tear up the “to do” list and begin the final recover from this journey. 

Another Milestone - Radiation

I reached another milestone on Friday, Sept. 16th.  That was the day that marked my last radiation treatment.  YEAH and Praise the Lord!!!  I was given a diploma of completion and a bottle of sparkling cider.  When Ken and I arrived home, Kedrick and Kalyn joined us as toasted the end of this portion of the journey.

After our mini celebration, Ken and I spent the afternoon together driving along Highway 1 enjoying the coastline, watching kite boarders, and just being together.  We even managed a 2 mile hike (all on flat ground) where the Big Basin trail meets the sea.  It was pretty breezy so we didn’t walk by the surf much.  Dinner was enjoyed overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  I collected a few shells to add to my cancer treasure box.

My celebrating continued the next day when my cousin, Robyn, and dear friend, Paty, hosted a luncheon in my honor.  What a joy it was to be able to spend time with dear friends marking this achievement. We enjoyed a peaceful afternoon in Robyn’s backyard which is a lovely flower garden. 
Each guest was asked to bring a flower and when they were all put together made a lovely bouquet which I have been enjoying all week.  I arrived home with my flowers, a balloon bouquet, and lots of wonderful memories.

I am just beginning to realize that I am finally finished; 28 treatments completed.  What a joy it was this week to not have to make the daily trek to the radiation center.   It’s amazing but as the light gets brighter I’m realizing what all this journey has required.  God is good and there is just a short distance remaining.

A Proud Mama

Sat., Sept. 10th found Ken and I in Oakland waiting for the walkers to enter the business plaza at one of the cheering stations.  Kenna was on her second day of the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk. 
Ken and I dropped her off in Daly City Thursday evening where she spent the night with friends before beginning the adventure early Friday morning.  Friday found her walking 20 miles in San Francisco.   She then rode a ferry to Treasure Island where she would spend both nights.  The campsite was set up when she arrived, complete with pink tents.

She even called home to check in and let us know how the day had gone.  Needless to say, she was in bed early and up early Sat. morning to begin the second leg of the adventure.

 Sat. was spent walking through Berkeley and ending in Oakland at Jack London Square. Ken and I spent about 2 hours cheering for the walkers as they entered the plaza.  There were over 75 family members and friends waiting in the plaza.  Each time a walker or group of walkers entered they were greeted with clapping, cheering, and a variety of different noise makers..  What a treat to see the look of surprise on Kenna’s face when she entered and realized she had family members waiting to greet her.  She entered with several members of the San Jose Metro Police who were there to make sure the walkers were safe.   We were able to walk several blocks with her until she needed to move on to the next “comfort station”.  She was ferried back to Treasure Island for the evening.

It was good to see how well the walkers were taken care of.  They receive lots of encouragement along the route and were safe and protected.  It was quite a site to see and just a little emotional for me. 

Sunday, we were back to San Francisco to greet the walkers at the closing ceremony.  The walkers had spent the day walking through Tiburon, Mill Valley and Sausalito before crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and walking along the marina to Marina Park.  The closing ceremony was very emotional with the walkers walking into the area before all the crew members and ending with the walkers who are breast cancer survivors.  All the walkers were greeted with lots of cheering and praise for the accomplishment they had just achieved.

It was amazing to see all the support for breast cancer research.  The San Francisco walkers raised over 1.9 million dollars for research.  The Komen Foundation has raised over 1.5 billion dollars for research with the goal of eliminating breast cancer.
We brought our tired walker home and feed her a healthy meal.  She was tired but glad she had reached her goal of completing the walk and rising the funding she had committed too.  I was very proud of her and that she had walked in my honor.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's Been a Good August

     August has been a very good month.  It started off at Adventure Camp.  I had the special privilege of working with eleven wonderful ladies as they taught the Bible classes.  It was wonderful to be able to support the teachers and then to watch them as they taught the campers.  It was a blessed week as we taught the children how to pray 24/7/365.  It was extra special as the entire McKenzie family was working at camp.  Ken was the Activities co-coordinator which kept him hopping.   Kenna helped Susan as they worked with the campers making tie-dyed t-shirts.  She also created several for her family members.  Kendall was working at the camp as maintenance support along with running the afternoon wood working shop.  The campers had the chance to make/finish either a walking stick, cutting board or bird feeder.  Kedrick was a CIT (cabin leaders in training) and coordinated the evening campfire.  He also had the opportunity to work with the fifth graders on the low ropes course several days.  Kalyn was an OTS (opportunity to serve) on crutches.  She hurt her knee at her camp but that didn’t slow her down at all.  She did breakfast KP, ran the speed cup station, helped in the wood working, and then was available for dinner KP if needed.  It was a great week to be together serving the Lord and working with children. J
     Another wonderful discover at camp was that my hair was beginning to grow!!!  That was a definite reason to celebrate.  I’ll still be wearing hats for a while but it was nice to see some peach fuzzy beginning to show.
     I returned to the Palo Alto clinic the Monday of camp for my second infusion of Herceptin.  I also had one later in the month so I only have five infusions left.  God has blessed me with another reason to celebrate.
     The Monday after camp was my first radiation treatment.  My dear friend, Paty went with me as Ken need to be in Napa that day.  Each treatment takes about 10 to 15 minutes.   The treatments are just tedious having to go each day Monday through Friday.  The odd numbered treatments go very quickly.  On the even numbered days they have to tape a sheet of plastic onto my chest which causes the radiation rays to be defused differently.  I have a feeling the technicians are very good at gift wrapping.  They literally tape me to the tape.  It is quite an experience.  I see the doctor each week to make sure my skin is handling the treatment.  So far, I’m doing okay especially since God created me with fair skin and light colored eyes.  My skin is beginning to look lightly sunburned which is to be expected.  I have a lotion that I apply three to four times a day which is helping the skin to recover.  Today was treatment #18 which means I only have TEN more.  Yes, I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
     August also was the celebration of Ken and mine 29th anniversary.  We spent the afternoon at the Monterey Bay Aquarium being able to enjoy the exhibits without any children.  We had dinner on Cannery Row being able to hear the surf on the shore and then enjoyed watching the sunset as we walked along the coast.  When we turned around to return to Monterey, we were treated to the full moon rising.  I had a very special day spent with my sweetheart.
     The rest of the month has been spent enjoying time as a family.  Kendall has been home during the week which has been a treat.  Kedrick and Kalyn have been preparing for school to begin along with enjoying time with friends.  Ken has been busy taking care of the garden and beekeeping.  We are enjoying lots of fresh tomatoes along with the first crop of apples.  Yum, yum.
     It has been good to spend time in August recovering and beginning to get my strength back.  I’m looking forward to finishing up radiation in Sept. and continuing to heal.  I’m looking forward to 2010 finishing on a more positive note than it began with. 
     What a great month God has blessed our family with.
Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Next Leg of the Journey Begins

Several of you have asked what is going to happen next so I thought I’d update you on the next leg of the journey.  The new journey began Mon. July 11th when I drove myself to the clinic for the first of eight infusions of Herceptin, a target therapy drug which just attacks the breast cancer cells.  This first infusion lasted 90 minutes but the infusions in the future will just require 30 minutes.  I only have seven infusions left – one every three weeks.

Later that day I visited a new surgeon since mine is still on his much earned sabbatical.  Dr. C felt that my medi-port needed to be removed since part of it was exposed.  There was no time for it to be done on Monday so I returned to the clinic on Wed. to have it removed.  Praise the Lord that I didn’t get an infection.  The incision is now healing.   Without my medi-port I will have to have the Herceptin infusion via an IV but it’s only seven times and there is no blood draw prior to Herceptin so I feel blessed.  It’s great that oncology nurses are excellent at starting IVs.

Last Monday, July 18th, I returned to the El Camino Radiation Clinic to have the first of two pre-radiation appointments.  I had a CT scan and will return one day this week to be positioned on the machine and tattooed to facilitate the process.  Right now I’m scheduled for 28 days of radiation therapy beginning Aug. 8th.  Ken and I had previously met with the radiation oncologist and it was recommended that I have radiation treatment.  The doctor was flexible and agreed to letting me start treatment after Adventure Camp.  Yeah!!!!! 

Right now I am busy preparing for Adventure Camp and slowly getting my strength and stamina back.   Luckily the side effects of radiation are the possibilities of fatigue and of tender skin where the treatment occurs.  It looks like by the end of Sept. I will be done with my treatments and can get busy recovering and picking up the different pieces of my life that I’ve had to put aside since December. 

I continue to feel blessed and humbled by all the people praying for me and blessing our family.  Thank you for your faithful devotion.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Done, Finished, Completed!!!!!!

At 3:30 today I finished up with this round of Chemo.  HALLELUHAH!!!  What a relief to have this portion of the journey completed.  One of the wonderful things about the Infusion Center is how personable everyone is.  Several of the nurses took time to celebrate with me and remind me of how well I’m doing.  Carmel and Tonji, the receptionists, even joined in the celebrating.

To continue the celebrating, Ken took me to Wendy’s for a frosty.  He wanted to do more but a Wendy’s frosty was what sounded good so… It’s a reminder that the simple things in life can bring the greatest joys.  I had the frosty finished before we made it home so it definitely hit the spot.
Ken and I were reminiscing that my first infusion was on a rainy day and how interesting that it was raining again today.  Maybe God was crying with me as He knows how challenging this is.

Today would have been my mother’s 80th birthday. Somehow it felt right to complete this leg of the journey on this day. I continue to be amazed at God’s timing.     

Empty Nesting

Ken and I are having an interesting experience this week.  Since Sat. we have been experiencing having an empty nest.  Kedrick and Kalyn were invited to go to Yosemite for the annual camping week.  They were both delighted to be able to continue the tradition of spending a week in Yosemite hiking, swimming, biking, playing games and just being with very special friends.  What a treat.  Kedrick went with the Swanson family and Kalyn is being a “Suit” for the week.  Ken and I feel very blessed that the children were able to go. 
Sunday, Ken and I drove over to Santa Cruz and walked along the cliffs.  It was easy walking for me.  What a joy to be able to hear the surf on the beach and to people watch.  We enjoyed talking to each other and bird watching.  We rounded out the evening eating at “The Dolphin” which is located at the end of the wharf.  It was such a beautiful day that we sat outside and enjoyed our bread bowls of clam chowder.  Ken enjoyed watching several men fishing off the wharf while I enjoyed watching the sunshine dance on the water.  It was a lovely day made even better when the SF Giants won that night’s baseball game. 
To make my week even better I had two lunch dates; one with Becca, Diane, and Lisa and the other with Juliet.  What a treat to be able to go out to eat and enjoy the fellowship of other females.   I also got to visit with my brother, Brent, and sister, Janet, who came down for a quick visit.  I continue to feel truly blessed.
Tonight Kendall comes home so we get to have some one-on-one time just with him.  That will be a treat.
Friday, June 17, 2011

June 14th - Six Months

June 14th marked the 6 month anniversary of being on this journey. It also was the date of my third treatment with the dose-dense AC. The infusion went well. Jane, my nurse, was able to use the port which is always a relief. My blood work came back with very good numbers which is also a positive.

I’m realizing that chemo is also mental game. It’s hard to go to an appointment that you know is going to leave you feeling run down, along with other possible unappealing side effects. I was really struggling with this infusion but God was good. When I arrived home from the treatment I discovered a floral arrangement left for me along with a note from Chandra (one of this week’s angels). It truly lifted my spirits and reminded me of how blessed and loved I am.

Tuesday evening I was able to attend PandaMania VBS at the church and enjoy seeing the opening and closing ceremonies. I was able to watch from the sound booth which limited my exposure to germs. What a joy to watch the VBS Praise Team lead the worship time. I have to admit that I had my eye on two of the members (Kalyn and Kedrick) but I enjoyed watching them all. 

I was also able to be there on Wednesday evening too.

Since Thursday I have been struggling with fatigue, one of the main side effects with this chemo treatment. The fact that it is cumulative doesn’t help either.  I’m also trying to get over a cold so it a little bit more challenging. I’m spending lots of time just reading and resting. What a blessing that school is out and the children have activities to keep them busy.


God sends me lots of different angels every week. Several weeks ago my angels were Becca and Paty who checked on me via email or phone calls to make sure I was doing okay while Ken, Kedrick and Kalyn were in San Diego.  What a treat it was to hear from them! They also rejoiced with me as I received news from the gang in San Diego.

Angels also began appearing again last week bringing us meals.  What a gift to have a meal arrive at our door by 6pm several times each week.  Thank you to Gini, who is the angel that makes sure this happens.
My next angel appeared last Thursday evening.  Iris came over after working a twelve hour day to shave my head.  She made something that I was dreading pleasant.  I have been very concerned about losing my hair but Iris made me feel special and loved.  She even spent time showing me several different ways to wear a scarf.  What a gift she gave me.  She also managed not to get any hair one the floor which I still find amazing.

Juliet was my next angel.  She emailed me on Thursday wanting to see if we could go to Aqu in Campbell for lunch on Friday.  When she emailed she didn’t know that going out on Friday would be my first trip out having to wear a hat and being “bald.”   We enjoyed eating our wraps of salmon, mango, jicama and rice while catching up with each other’s lives.  After lunch we walked around downtown Campbell while Juliet shared her favorite local haunts with me.

I feel very blessed by the different angels God sends to me each week.  Sometimes the angels are the ones who call or send a card or just say a prayer for me.  Thank you if you have been one of those angels.  
Sunday, June 5, 2011

They're Home

Ken, Kedrick and Kalyn arrived home around 6:30 this evening.  Praise the Lord. They are all very tired but glad to be home.  Both Ken and Kedrick have colds so they don't get to sit near me, bummer. 
Kedrick was pleased with how he did at the tournament.  He and his partner, McKenna Stevens, received 4th place in their Duo, Lewis Carrroll's "Through the looking glass".
He came in fifth in  his Expository on "Small Things" and sixth for his humorous piece.  The highlight of the event was receiving fourteen place for sweepstakes, an award given for overall performance. The caliber of the 500+ speakers at this National Tournament of Champions was very impressive. To even be there was an honor. 
Both Ken and I are very proud of Kedrick.  He really challenged himself this season and was very responsible and disciplined.    He pushed himself to exceed and we feel blessed that the Lord rewarded his efforts.
Kalyn was also very busy at the tournament.  She timed 8 rounds of speeches and was a constant encouragement to many speakers from all over the United States.
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Speech Update #2

I heard from Kedrick this morning after the tournament had announced breaks for finals.  Kedrick advanced all three speeches to the final round which is quite an accomplishment.  He and his duo partner, McKenna, were going to be performing their duo in the large auditorium located at Point Loma University.   He’s other two speeches would have also been presented in large rooms.
He was very pleased with how well he did in his semi-final round.  I have been praying that he’ll be pleased with his final round performances.  The results from the tournament will not be announced until late this evening so I’ll post about the results tomorrow.  Thank you for the continued prayers for Kedrick and the safe return of my “San Diego gang”.
I’m feeling okay, just tired.  The nausea is gone so now I’m just waiting for my blood cell counts to recover and my energy return.  Food is beginning to look appealing again.   I have been resting lots and today am enjoying a nice warm fire that Kendall made for me.  I continue to be well taken care of by my family and friends.
Friday, June 3, 2011

Speech Update #1

I heard from the San Diego group.  Kedrick advanced three of his five speeches to the semi-final round.  He will give the speeches and be judged by three judges.  The results will be tallied and then announced tomorrow.  Making it to the semi-final round is a big accomplishment, needlessly to say a very proud mama is typing this.  The three speeches he took to semis are:  Alice Through the Looking Glass (done with his duo partner, McKenna),  Courtship with Difficulties and his expository speech on “Little Changes”.  Kalyn is enjoying herself and has been busy timing the different rounds while Ken has been working to fulfill our judging requirement.  Please continue to pray for Kedrick as he competes and for Ken and Kalyn as they support him.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Kedrick

Here are some pictures of my 17 year old son. The green cake is the ice cream cake he made himself. 

The second cake is a marble cheesecake which he made for his family party.  Poor kid, he had to make both of his bday cakes.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chemo Treatment #2

My second dose of chemo drugs are now moving through my system killing good and bad cells.  What an adventure this is.  Since Ken is in San Diego with Kedrick and Kalyn my good friend, Paty, took me to the infusion center.  We went early so I could have my blood draw and the test done “stat”.  That turned out to be a big mistake.  I learned that the day after a holiday is a very busy day for the lab and a test that should take about 15 min. to run took over an hour and a half.
After the blood draw, we were off to Erik’s Deli for a sandwich before returning to the clinic and the infusion center.  My nurse, Jane, was very patient as she called the lab and tried to track down my lab results.  The clinic will not begin the infusion process until they know the white and red blood cell count.  Once my results were in, yes – I passed with flying colors, it was time to find out if my port was working. 
After removing a steri-stripe and cleaning my skin, it was time for the big moment.  The special needle was inserted into my port and it worked.  Praise the Lord!!!  What a blessing to be able to receive my infusion via the port.  That was such a relief.  
Once we knew the port worked, the first of the two pre-drugs were hung on the IV pole and I was ready to go.  It takes 40 minutes to get the three pre-drugs into my system.  Next was the Adriamycin which is “pushed” into the system via a 250 cc syringe.  After two syringes of Adriamycin it was time to hang the IV bag of Cytoxan and wait for the hour while it was being infused.  I think the nurse was very pleased when the pump sounded the alarm letting her know that the infusion was complete.  After letting the last few drops run into my vein it was time to flush the port and remove the IV needle.  A Winnie-the-Pooh band aid was the finishing touch to complete infusion number two.  Just think: I’m half way done.
Upon arriving home, I took the first of my Rxs for nausea and am just going to take them faithfully for a day or two.  Another angel delivered a little container of tapioca pudding for me to feast on, and I have soup which my angel that lives next door made for me.  I am being well taken care of.
Kedrick began his competition at NITOC today.  He had two different competition patterns to participate in, and presented all five of the speeches today.  He will compete tomorrow and Thursday. An announcement will be made Thursday evening which will let him know if he will move to the next level of competing.  Thank you for the prayers, he is feeling better.  I’ll try to keep the blog posted on how he is doing.  
Monday, May 30, 2011

On the Road Again

Ken, Kedrick, and Kalyn just left for San Diego. Kedrick was invited to compete at the National Invitational Tournament of Champions, NITOC, with all five of his speeches. The tournament begins tomorrow, Tuesday, and will finish late Saturday evening. They will be spending most of their time at Point Loma University for the duration but are hoping to at least dip their toes in a warmer part of the Pacific Ocean. I am sure it will be an adventure for all three of them.

When they left, Kedrick felt like he was coming down with a cold. Please pray that the cold will be short-lived and that he'll still be able to perform his speeches to the best of his ability. He has worked very hard this season, doing most of the work on his own. Ken and I are both very proud of him. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless Kedrick's efforts and continue to let him use the talents He has blessed him with.


Saturday I attended the exercise class that Joanna, one of the nurse practitioners, leads at the clinic. The class is geared for patients dealing with cancer.  There are about 25 women there who are all dealing with their cancer and are at different legs of their treatment journey.  I left the class reminded of how lucky I am to have such a wonderful support system.  All of you have been so giving to our family:  from the carpool ladies to the speech families, from the far away friends to our local church family.  A week does not go by that I do not receive an email or card reminding me that my family and I are being prayed for and showered with encouragement.  I’m doing so well in my treatment because of all of you.  THANK YOU!!!  
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sat. Morning Reflections - May 21st

Friday, I saw my surgeon and received good news regarding my port.  It looks like it might be saved.  Praise the Lord.  He removed one stitch, reapplied anointment and a new Band-aid and told me to see him again on Mon.  He was pleased with how it looked and is feeling positive about it.  Considering that I have a contusion on my army the size of a quarter from the IV,  I would be delighted to have my port functioning for the next infusion.
I am also realizing that part of this round of chemo will be just managing the different drugs needed to deal with the nausea.  I have two which are given during the infusion and then several to take at home.  I’m figuring out how often to take them and how to eat so that helps to manage the nausea too.  I’m finding that more, little meals are better than three main meals.  How fun to snack my way through the day – something I haven’t done since childhood.
Yesterday ended on a high note, as we were able to host a party for Kedrick and his friends.  He arranged for a group of friends to meet at the movie theater to see the new Pirate movie.  After the movie they arrived at our home and enjoyed pizza and the ice cream cake which Kedrick made.  It was a fun evening.  It’s hard to believe that our little toe-head is now a 17 year old.
Today I’m off to an exercise class designed just for patients dealing with cancer.  I attended last week and was tired but felt good when I arrived home.  It’s always good to be reminded that there are some in tougher circumstances and that each of us are doing the best we can. 
Thank you for you continued prayers and words of encouragement.  They truly are a gift.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The New Journey Begins

After seeing the surgeon this morning, Ken and I returned home.  Ken ended up in the front yard transplanting sunflower plants.  A job he enjoys.  I was wondering around the house when Sharon called and wanted to see if I was up to walking.  We walked and visited for over an hour.  What a treat and gift from God.  He knew I needed encouragement and a distraction and Sharon provided both.  After a quick lunch, Ken and I ventured to the clinic to visit the infusion clinic.  I was given a window set with a wonderful view.  I was able to enjoy the fountain, flowers and trees while I received the treatment.                
My first infusion of dose dense AC is moving through my veins as I type this blog post.  The infusion took about 3 ½ hours.  It took quite a while to get my IV in place.  The veins in my left arm/hand did a good job trying to hide but the nurse was able to find one.  I enjoyed looking out the window while they were inserting the IV.  Thank you God for a window view.

It was important to find a healthy vein as one of the drugs can cause tissue damage.  The first drug is placed into the IV line via a syringe.  Lucky me, I got two syringes full of Adriamycin.  The second drug, Cytoxan, takes an hour to be administered.  What a relief to hear the beeping of the IV pump which meant the infusion was completed.  I left the clinic sporting a stylish Winnie-the-Pooh Band-Aid.  Yeah!!  I’m done for two weeks.  Now to see what side effects I will experience and if I end up having a headache with this round of chemo.  I saw my oncologist’s nurse and she is even wondering if I’m going to experience headaches.  It’s nice to know that your health care team is current with you conditions and concerns.

Upon arriving home, Ken and I went for a walk and now I’m waiting for dinner which Kenna and Kedrick have prepared.  I’ve already taken my first dose of meds for nausea so let the adventure continue.


Good News

Ken and I just arrived home from seeing my surgeon.  The good news is that he thinks the port might be okay.  I let him know that my prayer warriors were busy praying for his handiwork.  He recommended that we keep our fingers crossed and continue praying.  I see him again on Friday for the another check.  Yeah, another trip to the clinic and more doctor visits - my "new" favorite pasttime. 

We'll leave in a few hours for the first round of chemo.  I will have to have this infusion using an IV which isn't my first choice but ...

I'll be sure to post once we get home from chemo.  More later...
Friday, May 13, 2011

A Green Light

I wasn’t able to post this Thurs. evening as the blog wouldn’t let me.  Sorry it’s late
Today I received the green light to begin Chemo on Tues., May 17th but I’ll get to that in a few paragraphs.
Yesterday, Ken and I met with Joanna, the nurse practitioner, for my second Chemo teach.  Joanna spent an hour with us going over the drugs being used, possible side effects, medications I’m to take, and other tidbits of info she has gained while working in oncology.  We learned a lot.  Of course, the side effects are a little daunting but I know they have to tell you all the possible ones so we’ll just get to wait and see which ones I get to experience.  I have several drugs to take on day 2 and 3 after chemo and one I take one hour prior to the infusion.  One of the biggest challenges of fighting cancer can be just managing all the pill containers you end up having.  Right now I have over ten to juggle.
Today was a busy day.  I started the day seeing my plastic surgeon.  The infection he was worried about is just about healed.  Yeah!!!  He is pleased with my progress but was concerned about how my port looked and recommended that I see the surgeon as soon as possible.
I left his office and called the surgeon from the parking lot and talked to his nurse.  She was able to fit me into the schedule after my oncology appt.  I’m so thankful that they both have offices in the clinic.
I saw the oncologist and was told that the Blue Shield for chemo approval had come through and he also felt good about the infection and we could begin infusions on Tues.  What a mixed blessing.  It seems strange to be excited about getting to start something that has numerous side effects and challenges but it gets me on down the path to complete healing and not being a “cancer” patient. 
We left the oncology area on the first floor and ventured up to the third floor to surgery services.  I saw the surgeon who also had some concerns about the port.  It was beginning to push up against the skin.  If it were to break through the skin, it would have to be removed because of fear of infection.  He was able to do a procedure today that will helpfully fix the problem.  He wasn’t sure I’d be able to use it for the first chemo but if the procedure saves the port and I can have it in the future that will be a blessing. 
Whew, what a busy day.  Just think, I got to see all three of my favorite physicians in one day.  No wonder I’m tired.
My day ended with my favorite sweetie, Ken, taking me to Aqui for dinner and then to Yogurtland for frozen yogurt.   It’s the simple things in life that can bring the greatest joys.
I’m asking all my prayer warriors to pray that the mini surgery will be successful and the port will be okay for future infusions.  Prayers that Tuesday’s infusion goes well and that the side effects are minimal would also be appreciated.  Thank you for your continued support.  
Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Next Leg of the Adventure

Today was spent seeing both the plastic surgeon and oncologist.  I received a positive report from the plastic surgeon.  I have one area that is still causing a little bit of concern 
but I’m on an antibiotic to prevent infection which so far is working.

The oncologist had positive and negative news.  The positive news was that my cancer had a “near compete response” to the first round of chemo.  Praise the Lord for answering prayers.  It also looks like I’m ready to begin the next round of chemo.  Right now it looks like we’ll begin the next round of chemo on Monday, May 16th.  I will receive chemo every two weeks for four rounds of chemo.  I will have a “chemo teach” with a nurse practitioner next week to prepare for the chemo. 
The negative news was that due to the original size of the tumor and the first pathology reports, I will need to see a radiologist to determine if radiation is recommended.  This assessment will happen after the chemo treatments are completed.  I guess I won’t know about the possibility of radiation until mid-July.  
Right now I’m scheduled to see both doctors again next week to get the final approval and make sure there is no evidence of infection.  Let the adventure continue….
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


After four months of receiving meals from many of you, our family has decided to “fly solo” until the next round of chemo begins.  We have truly been blessed to receive the meals and they have made this journey much, much easier.   Our family wants to say a very special “thank you” to each of you who have provided us with a meal.  You have definitely lightened our load.  THANK YOU for keeping our tummies full and happy.   


Recovery Mode

Dear Family and Friends,
     I am now in a period of recovery from my recent surgery.  I am continuing to heal and am gaining more energy daily.  I have been receiving positive reports from my doctors and will see my oncologist on Wednesday to see what the next leg of this journey will look like.  I also see the plastic surgeon this week as we continue on the path to reconstruction surgery. 
     I am enjoying the sunny days and try to walk at least three times each day.  If you’re in my “neck of the woods” feel free to stop by and walk with me or we can enjoy a cup of tea.
     Thank you for your continued prayers and words of encouragement.  They are helping to make walking this journey easier.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Finally out of the fog, I'm so glad to be able to write this update to share with you the many answers to the prayers the Lord has granted us. We saw the surgeon on Monday, and he told us the wonderful news that the final pathology report indicates the lymph nodes were NEGATIVE!
I feel so very blessed with the results--it was more than I dared hope that the lymph nodes would be negative. This also means I might not need to have radiation.
My prescription besides pain medicine is that I'm supposed to rest and not do ANYTHING, as well as not stretch or reach above my head...As I'm healing this becomes more challenging...It was great to see Carlene and dad and Jeanne...Carlene said I was the best patient she ever had.
We feel so relieved to have come this far in the journey: I am looking forward to not having chemo for a while and being more of a "normal" family. It's hard to process everything we've been through. I'm just looking forward to spending time with the family and not feeling like there is a rain cloud over our heads.
Friday, April 15, 2011

THURSDAY, April 14, 2011

Day two of being at home.  You always do better at home.  Carlene arrived today so I'm getting my meds on time and can't do anything without permission. 
The next few days will be filled with doctor’s appointments and being treated royally. I was told to get some rest, and I’m trying to listen!
Thank you for your continuing prayers filled with gratitude and ongoing needs. We feel very blessed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Update from Ken

Last night  Donna went for two walks around the hospital ward  with Alejandra ( Super Nursing Assistant)!  Chyrrl (The Nurse) removed Donna’s Foley and Donna was free to roam with only an IV.  They told us they expect she will be released to come home before lunch today. I’m headed over now to try to catch Dr. Strickhartz during his rounds.   
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Surgery done!

The doctor just stopped by to say the surgery was completed successfully and 6 hours after it was begun, she is in the recovery room! The recovery period is expected to be 4 to 6 weeks during which she will need to be careful not to lift. Thank you for the many, many prayers, and we ask that you please continue to keep Donna and the family in prayers during this next chapter in Donna's journey. Praise God for His grace and mercy!!

Surgery day

Yeah!!!!!!! Donna has 4 clear lymph glands. She doesn't know yet but we do and you do too.Praise God!!!!!
Monday, April 11, 2011

Unexpected Gifts

Jeremiah tells us that the Lord has plans for us and knows what they are. Ken and I have had the chance to experience this fact. Last October,  Ken’s co-workers gave him a certificate for two nights at the Cambria Pines Lodge in Cambria, CA. We thought about using the gift to celebrate his birthday but then my cancer diagnosis changed those plans. We were able to escape to Cambria last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to enjoy this special treat.

We drove down on Thursday and went to Hearst Castle where we were able to use complimentary tickets provided by another coworker. We enjoyed the tour but I managed to leave the camera in the car so there were no pictures. We returned to the lodge to feast on a delicious meal of swordfish and salmon and time just being together as a couple.

Friday we were up early and cruised up the coast to enjoy the scenery. We stopped at the sea elephant rookery and enjoyed watching the wieners (a name for the two and three month olds) learn how to swim and move along the beach. 

We returned to Hearst Castle to go on Tour #2 and I made sure I had my camera. As we rode up to the castle it began to rain which then turned into hail and snow. Imagine our delight as we were able to tour the castle while it continued to hail/snow on us. I enjoyed being able to take pictures of the grounds while they were covered with snow. We also visited the two pools which we had seen on the first tour so I was able to get pictures of them. What a treat it was to look out the windows and see snow on the walkways and in the flower beds. We definitely felt like God was blessing us with a special treat. 

Lunch on Friday was goodies purchased at the Cambria Farmer’s market. We ate in the car sitting by the Pacific Coast. It was too cold to eat on the beach but we enjoyed hearing the surf as we feasted on lunch.  We then walked around Cambria before returning to the lodge for another delicious dinner. 

Saturday we went on a tour of the Peidras Blancas Light Station. God blessed us again with unbelievable weather. It was cool but there was no breeze and we were able to enjoy the scenery around the light station and seeing the base of the lighthouse.  It was fun to see a structure which was constructed in 1875. 
We then drove home and made it home in time to attend AWE with Kedrick. Kendall and Kalyn spent the day at Daybreak cutting firewood and enjoying the camp.

Sunday I was able to attend church; my first Sunday in over three months. What a joy to be able to worship with the church family! Needless to say, I had a nap Sunday afternoon which was enjoyed.
Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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