Monday, April 11, 2011

Unexpected Gifts

Jeremiah tells us that the Lord has plans for us and knows what they are. Ken and I have had the chance to experience this fact. Last October,  Ken’s co-workers gave him a certificate for two nights at the Cambria Pines Lodge in Cambria, CA. We thought about using the gift to celebrate his birthday but then my cancer diagnosis changed those plans. We were able to escape to Cambria last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to enjoy this special treat.

We drove down on Thursday and went to Hearst Castle where we were able to use complimentary tickets provided by another coworker. We enjoyed the tour but I managed to leave the camera in the car so there were no pictures. We returned to the lodge to feast on a delicious meal of swordfish and salmon and time just being together as a couple.

Friday we were up early and cruised up the coast to enjoy the scenery. We stopped at the sea elephant rookery and enjoyed watching the wieners (a name for the two and three month olds) learn how to swim and move along the beach. 

We returned to Hearst Castle to go on Tour #2 and I made sure I had my camera. As we rode up to the castle it began to rain which then turned into hail and snow. Imagine our delight as we were able to tour the castle while it continued to hail/snow on us. I enjoyed being able to take pictures of the grounds while they were covered with snow. We also visited the two pools which we had seen on the first tour so I was able to get pictures of them. What a treat it was to look out the windows and see snow on the walkways and in the flower beds. We definitely felt like God was blessing us with a special treat. 

Lunch on Friday was goodies purchased at the Cambria Farmer’s market. We ate in the car sitting by the Pacific Coast. It was too cold to eat on the beach but we enjoyed hearing the surf as we feasted on lunch.  We then walked around Cambria before returning to the lodge for another delicious dinner. 

Saturday we went on a tour of the Peidras Blancas Light Station. God blessed us again with unbelievable weather. It was cool but there was no breeze and we were able to enjoy the scenery around the light station and seeing the base of the lighthouse.  It was fun to see a structure which was constructed in 1875. 
We then drove home and made it home in time to attend AWE with Kedrick. Kendall and Kalyn spent the day at Daybreak cutting firewood and enjoying the camp.

Sunday I was able to attend church; my first Sunday in over three months. What a joy to be able to worship with the church family! Needless to say, I had a nap Sunday afternoon which was enjoyed.


Anonymous said...

So glad you got to go on a wonderful adventure together ~ that is always so great to do! Building memories together is a blessing & gift from God I believe. Snow flurries at Hearst Castle ~~ awesome! Prayers for you ~ Evelyn Acord

Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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