Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chemo Treatment #2

My second dose of chemo drugs are now moving through my system killing good and bad cells.  What an adventure this is.  Since Ken is in San Diego with Kedrick and Kalyn my good friend, Paty, took me to the infusion center.  We went early so I could have my blood draw and the test done “stat”.  That turned out to be a big mistake.  I learned that the day after a holiday is a very busy day for the lab and a test that should take about 15 min. to run took over an hour and a half.
After the blood draw, we were off to Erik’s Deli for a sandwich before returning to the clinic and the infusion center.  My nurse, Jane, was very patient as she called the lab and tried to track down my lab results.  The clinic will not begin the infusion process until they know the white and red blood cell count.  Once my results were in, yes – I passed with flying colors, it was time to find out if my port was working. 
After removing a steri-stripe and cleaning my skin, it was time for the big moment.  The special needle was inserted into my port and it worked.  Praise the Lord!!!  What a blessing to be able to receive my infusion via the port.  That was such a relief.  
Once we knew the port worked, the first of the two pre-drugs were hung on the IV pole and I was ready to go.  It takes 40 minutes to get the three pre-drugs into my system.  Next was the Adriamycin which is “pushed” into the system via a 250 cc syringe.  After two syringes of Adriamycin it was time to hang the IV bag of Cytoxan and wait for the hour while it was being infused.  I think the nurse was very pleased when the pump sounded the alarm letting her know that the infusion was complete.  After letting the last few drops run into my vein it was time to flush the port and remove the IV needle.  A Winnie-the-Pooh band aid was the finishing touch to complete infusion number two.  Just think: I’m half way done.
Upon arriving home, I took the first of my Rxs for nausea and am just going to take them faithfully for a day or two.  Another angel delivered a little container of tapioca pudding for me to feast on, and I have soup which my angel that lives next door made for me.  I am being well taken care of.
Kedrick began his competition at NITOC today.  He had two different competition patterns to participate in, and presented all five of the speeches today.  He will compete tomorrow and Thursday. An announcement will be made Thursday evening which will let him know if he will move to the next level of competing.  Thank you for the prayers, he is feeling better.  I’ll try to keep the blog posted on how he is doing.  
Monday, May 30, 2011

On the Road Again

Ken, Kedrick, and Kalyn just left for San Diego. Kedrick was invited to compete at the National Invitational Tournament of Champions, NITOC, with all five of his speeches. The tournament begins tomorrow, Tuesday, and will finish late Saturday evening. They will be spending most of their time at Point Loma University for the duration but are hoping to at least dip their toes in a warmer part of the Pacific Ocean. I am sure it will be an adventure for all three of them.

When they left, Kedrick felt like he was coming down with a cold. Please pray that the cold will be short-lived and that he'll still be able to perform his speeches to the best of his ability. He has worked very hard this season, doing most of the work on his own. Ken and I are both very proud of him. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless Kedrick's efforts and continue to let him use the talents He has blessed him with.


Saturday I attended the exercise class that Joanna, one of the nurse practitioners, leads at the clinic. The class is geared for patients dealing with cancer.  There are about 25 women there who are all dealing with their cancer and are at different legs of their treatment journey.  I left the class reminded of how lucky I am to have such a wonderful support system.  All of you have been so giving to our family:  from the carpool ladies to the speech families, from the far away friends to our local church family.  A week does not go by that I do not receive an email or card reminding me that my family and I are being prayed for and showered with encouragement.  I’m doing so well in my treatment because of all of you.  THANK YOU!!!  
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sat. Morning Reflections - May 21st

Friday, I saw my surgeon and received good news regarding my port.  It looks like it might be saved.  Praise the Lord.  He removed one stitch, reapplied anointment and a new Band-aid and told me to see him again on Mon.  He was pleased with how it looked and is feeling positive about it.  Considering that I have a contusion on my army the size of a quarter from the IV,  I would be delighted to have my port functioning for the next infusion.
I am also realizing that part of this round of chemo will be just managing the different drugs needed to deal with the nausea.  I have two which are given during the infusion and then several to take at home.  I’m figuring out how often to take them and how to eat so that helps to manage the nausea too.  I’m finding that more, little meals are better than three main meals.  How fun to snack my way through the day – something I haven’t done since childhood.
Yesterday ended on a high note, as we were able to host a party for Kedrick and his friends.  He arranged for a group of friends to meet at the movie theater to see the new Pirate movie.  After the movie they arrived at our home and enjoyed pizza and the ice cream cake which Kedrick made.  It was a fun evening.  It’s hard to believe that our little toe-head is now a 17 year old.
Today I’m off to an exercise class designed just for patients dealing with cancer.  I attended last week and was tired but felt good when I arrived home.  It’s always good to be reminded that there are some in tougher circumstances and that each of us are doing the best we can. 
Thank you for you continued prayers and words of encouragement.  They truly are a gift.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The New Journey Begins

After seeing the surgeon this morning, Ken and I returned home.  Ken ended up in the front yard transplanting sunflower plants.  A job he enjoys.  I was wondering around the house when Sharon called and wanted to see if I was up to walking.  We walked and visited for over an hour.  What a treat and gift from God.  He knew I needed encouragement and a distraction and Sharon provided both.  After a quick lunch, Ken and I ventured to the clinic to visit the infusion clinic.  I was given a window set with a wonderful view.  I was able to enjoy the fountain, flowers and trees while I received the treatment.                
My first infusion of dose dense AC is moving through my veins as I type this blog post.  The infusion took about 3 ½ hours.  It took quite a while to get my IV in place.  The veins in my left arm/hand did a good job trying to hide but the nurse was able to find one.  I enjoyed looking out the window while they were inserting the IV.  Thank you God for a window view.

It was important to find a healthy vein as one of the drugs can cause tissue damage.  The first drug is placed into the IV line via a syringe.  Lucky me, I got two syringes full of Adriamycin.  The second drug, Cytoxan, takes an hour to be administered.  What a relief to hear the beeping of the IV pump which meant the infusion was completed.  I left the clinic sporting a stylish Winnie-the-Pooh Band-Aid.  Yeah!!  I’m done for two weeks.  Now to see what side effects I will experience and if I end up having a headache with this round of chemo.  I saw my oncologist’s nurse and she is even wondering if I’m going to experience headaches.  It’s nice to know that your health care team is current with you conditions and concerns.

Upon arriving home, Ken and I went for a walk and now I’m waiting for dinner which Kenna and Kedrick have prepared.  I’ve already taken my first dose of meds for nausea so let the adventure continue.


Good News

Ken and I just arrived home from seeing my surgeon.  The good news is that he thinks the port might be okay.  I let him know that my prayer warriors were busy praying for his handiwork.  He recommended that we keep our fingers crossed and continue praying.  I see him again on Friday for the another check.  Yeah, another trip to the clinic and more doctor visits - my "new" favorite pasttime. 

We'll leave in a few hours for the first round of chemo.  I will have to have this infusion using an IV which isn't my first choice but ...

I'll be sure to post once we get home from chemo.  More later...
Friday, May 13, 2011

A Green Light

I wasn’t able to post this Thurs. evening as the blog wouldn’t let me.  Sorry it’s late
Today I received the green light to begin Chemo on Tues., May 17th but I’ll get to that in a few paragraphs.
Yesterday, Ken and I met with Joanna, the nurse practitioner, for my second Chemo teach.  Joanna spent an hour with us going over the drugs being used, possible side effects, medications I’m to take, and other tidbits of info she has gained while working in oncology.  We learned a lot.  Of course, the side effects are a little daunting but I know they have to tell you all the possible ones so we’ll just get to wait and see which ones I get to experience.  I have several drugs to take on day 2 and 3 after chemo and one I take one hour prior to the infusion.  One of the biggest challenges of fighting cancer can be just managing all the pill containers you end up having.  Right now I have over ten to juggle.
Today was a busy day.  I started the day seeing my plastic surgeon.  The infection he was worried about is just about healed.  Yeah!!!  He is pleased with my progress but was concerned about how my port looked and recommended that I see the surgeon as soon as possible.
I left his office and called the surgeon from the parking lot and talked to his nurse.  She was able to fit me into the schedule after my oncology appt.  I’m so thankful that they both have offices in the clinic.
I saw the oncologist and was told that the Blue Shield for chemo approval had come through and he also felt good about the infection and we could begin infusions on Tues.  What a mixed blessing.  It seems strange to be excited about getting to start something that has numerous side effects and challenges but it gets me on down the path to complete healing and not being a “cancer” patient. 
We left the oncology area on the first floor and ventured up to the third floor to surgery services.  I saw the surgeon who also had some concerns about the port.  It was beginning to push up against the skin.  If it were to break through the skin, it would have to be removed because of fear of infection.  He was able to do a procedure today that will helpfully fix the problem.  He wasn’t sure I’d be able to use it for the first chemo but if the procedure saves the port and I can have it in the future that will be a blessing. 
Whew, what a busy day.  Just think, I got to see all three of my favorite physicians in one day.  No wonder I’m tired.
My day ended with my favorite sweetie, Ken, taking me to Aqui for dinner and then to Yogurtland for frozen yogurt.   It’s the simple things in life that can bring the greatest joys.
I’m asking all my prayer warriors to pray that the mini surgery will be successful and the port will be okay for future infusions.  Prayers that Tuesday’s infusion goes well and that the side effects are minimal would also be appreciated.  Thank you for your continued support.  
Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Next Leg of the Adventure

Today was spent seeing both the plastic surgeon and oncologist.  I received a positive report from the plastic surgeon.  I have one area that is still causing a little bit of concern 
but I’m on an antibiotic to prevent infection which so far is working.

The oncologist had positive and negative news.  The positive news was that my cancer had a “near compete response” to the first round of chemo.  Praise the Lord for answering prayers.  It also looks like I’m ready to begin the next round of chemo.  Right now it looks like we’ll begin the next round of chemo on Monday, May 16th.  I will receive chemo every two weeks for four rounds of chemo.  I will have a “chemo teach” with a nurse practitioner next week to prepare for the chemo. 
The negative news was that due to the original size of the tumor and the first pathology reports, I will need to see a radiologist to determine if radiation is recommended.  This assessment will happen after the chemo treatments are completed.  I guess I won’t know about the possibility of radiation until mid-July.  
Right now I’m scheduled to see both doctors again next week to get the final approval and make sure there is no evidence of infection.  Let the adventure continue….
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


After four months of receiving meals from many of you, our family has decided to “fly solo” until the next round of chemo begins.  We have truly been blessed to receive the meals and they have made this journey much, much easier.   Our family wants to say a very special “thank you” to each of you who have provided us with a meal.  You have definitely lightened our load.  THANK YOU for keeping our tummies full and happy.   


Recovery Mode

Dear Family and Friends,
     I am now in a period of recovery from my recent surgery.  I am continuing to heal and am gaining more energy daily.  I have been receiving positive reports from my doctors and will see my oncologist on Wednesday to see what the next leg of this journey will look like.  I also see the plastic surgeon this week as we continue on the path to reconstruction surgery. 
     I am enjoying the sunny days and try to walk at least three times each day.  If you’re in my “neck of the woods” feel free to stop by and walk with me or we can enjoy a cup of tea.
     Thank you for your continued prayers and words of encouragement.  They are helping to make walking this journey easier.
Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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