Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recovery Mode

Dear Family and Friends,
     I am now in a period of recovery from my recent surgery.  I am continuing to heal and am gaining more energy daily.  I have been receiving positive reports from my doctors and will see my oncologist on Wednesday to see what the next leg of this journey will look like.  I also see the plastic surgeon this week as we continue on the path to reconstruction surgery. 
     I am enjoying the sunny days and try to walk at least three times each day.  If you’re in my “neck of the woods” feel free to stop by and walk with me or we can enjoy a cup of tea.
     Thank you for your continued prayers and words of encouragement.  They are helping to make walking this journey easier.


Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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