Friday, May 13, 2011

A Green Light

I wasn’t able to post this Thurs. evening as the blog wouldn’t let me.  Sorry it’s late
Today I received the green light to begin Chemo on Tues., May 17th but I’ll get to that in a few paragraphs.
Yesterday, Ken and I met with Joanna, the nurse practitioner, for my second Chemo teach.  Joanna spent an hour with us going over the drugs being used, possible side effects, medications I’m to take, and other tidbits of info she has gained while working in oncology.  We learned a lot.  Of course, the side effects are a little daunting but I know they have to tell you all the possible ones so we’ll just get to wait and see which ones I get to experience.  I have several drugs to take on day 2 and 3 after chemo and one I take one hour prior to the infusion.  One of the biggest challenges of fighting cancer can be just managing all the pill containers you end up having.  Right now I have over ten to juggle.
Today was a busy day.  I started the day seeing my plastic surgeon.  The infection he was worried about is just about healed.  Yeah!!!  He is pleased with my progress but was concerned about how my port looked and recommended that I see the surgeon as soon as possible.
I left his office and called the surgeon from the parking lot and talked to his nurse.  She was able to fit me into the schedule after my oncology appt.  I’m so thankful that they both have offices in the clinic.
I saw the oncologist and was told that the Blue Shield for chemo approval had come through and he also felt good about the infection and we could begin infusions on Tues.  What a mixed blessing.  It seems strange to be excited about getting to start something that has numerous side effects and challenges but it gets me on down the path to complete healing and not being a “cancer” patient. 
We left the oncology area on the first floor and ventured up to the third floor to surgery services.  I saw the surgeon who also had some concerns about the port.  It was beginning to push up against the skin.  If it were to break through the skin, it would have to be removed because of fear of infection.  He was able to do a procedure today that will helpfully fix the problem.  He wasn’t sure I’d be able to use it for the first chemo but if the procedure saves the port and I can have it in the future that will be a blessing. 
Whew, what a busy day.  Just think, I got to see all three of my favorite physicians in one day.  No wonder I’m tired.
My day ended with my favorite sweetie, Ken, taking me to Aqui for dinner and then to Yogurtland for frozen yogurt.   It’s the simple things in life that can bring the greatest joys.
I’m asking all my prayer warriors to pray that the mini surgery will be successful and the port will be okay for future infusions.  Prayers that Tuesday’s infusion goes well and that the side effects are minimal would also be appreciated.  Thank you for your continued support.  


Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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