Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The New Journey Begins

After seeing the surgeon this morning, Ken and I returned home.  Ken ended up in the front yard transplanting sunflower plants.  A job he enjoys.  I was wondering around the house when Sharon called and wanted to see if I was up to walking.  We walked and visited for over an hour.  What a treat and gift from God.  He knew I needed encouragement and a distraction and Sharon provided both.  After a quick lunch, Ken and I ventured to the clinic to visit the infusion clinic.  I was given a window set with a wonderful view.  I was able to enjoy the fountain, flowers and trees while I received the treatment.                
My first infusion of dose dense AC is moving through my veins as I type this blog post.  The infusion took about 3 ½ hours.  It took quite a while to get my IV in place.  The veins in my left arm/hand did a good job trying to hide but the nurse was able to find one.  I enjoyed looking out the window while they were inserting the IV.  Thank you God for a window view.

It was important to find a healthy vein as one of the drugs can cause tissue damage.  The first drug is placed into the IV line via a syringe.  Lucky me, I got two syringes full of Adriamycin.  The second drug, Cytoxan, takes an hour to be administered.  What a relief to hear the beeping of the IV pump which meant the infusion was completed.  I left the clinic sporting a stylish Winnie-the-Pooh Band-Aid.  Yeah!!  I’m done for two weeks.  Now to see what side effects I will experience and if I end up having a headache with this round of chemo.  I saw my oncologist’s nurse and she is even wondering if I’m going to experience headaches.  It’s nice to know that your health care team is current with you conditions and concerns.

Upon arriving home, Ken and I went for a walk and now I’m waiting for dinner which Kenna and Kedrick have prepared.  I’ve already taken my first dose of meds for nausea so let the adventure continue.



Anonymous said...

I am now naming you Donna Courageous McKenzie, I see that most of our youth have these amazing middle names on Facebook (from last years camps), so after reading your blog today I thought you should have one to. Thanks for sharing with us Donna. When we are all together at dinner time, no matter who's turn it is to say the prayer, you and your family are always mentioned. I am praying that this day God will provide ALL that you need. Love to you from the Judkins.

Anonymous said...

Donna, Gordon and I have been praying for you. So glad you had a nice garden to look at and enjoy. it was a beautiful day today and hope you were able to get out in your backyard. Love and Prayers, Lora Lee

Anonymous said...

Your openness through this process is such an encouragement to others.

Helen Bratko said...

Donna, I continue to pray for you, keep counting your blessings and fixing your eyes on Jesus. You are loved.

Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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