Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sat. Morning Reflections - May 21st

Friday, I saw my surgeon and received good news regarding my port.  It looks like it might be saved.  Praise the Lord.  He removed one stitch, reapplied anointment and a new Band-aid and told me to see him again on Mon.  He was pleased with how it looked and is feeling positive about it.  Considering that I have a contusion on my army the size of a quarter from the IV,  I would be delighted to have my port functioning for the next infusion.
I am also realizing that part of this round of chemo will be just managing the different drugs needed to deal with the nausea.  I have two which are given during the infusion and then several to take at home.  I’m figuring out how often to take them and how to eat so that helps to manage the nausea too.  I’m finding that more, little meals are better than three main meals.  How fun to snack my way through the day – something I haven’t done since childhood.
Yesterday ended on a high note, as we were able to host a party for Kedrick and his friends.  He arranged for a group of friends to meet at the movie theater to see the new Pirate movie.  After the movie they arrived at our home and enjoyed pizza and the ice cream cake which Kedrick made.  It was a fun evening.  It’s hard to believe that our little toe-head is now a 17 year old.
Today I’m off to an exercise class designed just for patients dealing with cancer.  I attended last week and was tired but felt good when I arrived home.  It’s always good to be reminded that there are some in tougher circumstances and that each of us are doing the best we can. 
Thank you for you continued prayers and words of encouragement.  They truly are a gift.


Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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