Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Another Milestone - Radiation

I reached another milestone on Friday, Sept. 16th.  That was the day that marked my last radiation treatment.  YEAH and Praise the Lord!!!  I was given a diploma of completion and a bottle of sparkling cider.  When Ken and I arrived home, Kedrick and Kalyn joined us as toasted the end of this portion of the journey.

After our mini celebration, Ken and I spent the afternoon together driving along Highway 1 enjoying the coastline, watching kite boarders, and just being together.  We even managed a 2 mile hike (all on flat ground) where the Big Basin trail meets the sea.  It was pretty breezy so we didn’t walk by the surf much.  Dinner was enjoyed overlooking the Pacific Ocean.  I collected a few shells to add to my cancer treasure box.

My celebrating continued the next day when my cousin, Robyn, and dear friend, Paty, hosted a luncheon in my honor.  What a joy it was to be able to spend time with dear friends marking this achievement. We enjoyed a peaceful afternoon in Robyn’s backyard which is a lovely flower garden. 
Each guest was asked to bring a flower and when they were all put together made a lovely bouquet which I have been enjoying all week.  I arrived home with my flowers, a balloon bouquet, and lots of wonderful memories.

I am just beginning to realize that I am finally finished; 28 treatments completed.  What a joy it was this week to not have to make the daily trek to the radiation center.   It’s amazing but as the light gets brighter I’m realizing what all this journey has required.  God is good and there is just a short distance remaining.


Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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