Wednesday, March 21, 2012

THE END OF TREATMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After over 50 trips to the PAMF(Palo Alto Medical Foundation) infusion center for either an infusion or PICC dressing changes, today marks the last one. Yeah and PRAISE the LORD. It’s hard to believe that I have finally reached the end of this journey with only one surgery remaining in April. I mentioned to a friend that I was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and her reply was “Yes, and it’s not the headlights of another train.”

I will miss seeing the nurses who work in the center but they have assured me I can stop by any time to say hello and get a quick hug. I’ve decided that it takes very special nurses to work in an infusion center and PAMF have many excellent ones. I have been blessed to be treated by many compassionate, caring women. They have always had a smile for me along with an encouraging word. 

The receptionists are also wonderful, greeting me by my name before checking me in. The receptionists are also the ones I talk to when I call in with a question or request for one of the doctors. They do a great job taking care of the PAMF patients.

After my infusion my PICC line will be removed and then I’ll be done. What a joy it will be to not have two lines hanging out of my arm but what a blessing the PICC has been. I haven’t had to have an IV since mid-October; that’s over five months. Both my arm and I have enjoyed the break. 

I arrived home to a special sign designed by Kalyn and a lovely bouquet of flowers arranged by Kedrick. I’ve been blessed with lots of family support and encouragement.
To celebrate being done Ken and I went for a long walk (on level ground) before getting a quick bite to eat and then seeing a double feature. Two movies in one night almost did me in but I got to sleep in this morning so I’m okay.  

Thank you for the continued support and prayers.  It’s been quite a journey and my family and I are rejoicing that this particular journey will be coming to a conclusion soon.


Juanita said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you and your family. Blessings on you all! You look great.

Helen Bratko said...

Yipeeee! I am SO happy for you. What a long journey! I hope to see you around this season.

Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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