Monday, January 10, 2011

Chemo, Day One

Today the journey began. Ken and I arrived at the Mt. View Center of the Palo Alto Medical Clinic at 8:45. At my 9:00 appointment with my surgeon, he showed me a mediport and went over the pros and cons of having one installed. More X-rays followed for the bone scan, which I will get results for on Thursday.
The surgeon's nurse was able to get me an appt. in the surgery center so the mediport will be implanted on Friday. Next week I won't have an IV - Yeah. Another victory.
God continues to be faithful. We received a call that Blue Shield had approved the second chemo drug so I was able to receive both at the infusion time. Yeah!! My angels at both the Water District and Blue Shield made sure this happened this morning. I'm sure all the prayers God heard about it didn't hurt one bit!
By 11:30 a.m. Ken and I were settled in the Infusion Center. My nurse, Anna, was wonderful. Another angel sent by God. She explained everything that was happening and understood my anxiety and raw emotions. It took about an hour to get the IV started and the beginning drugs to be administered. I have to have three drugs before the chemo drip can begin. We started with Taxol, the more toxic of the two and with more reactions. The drip went very well and should be able to go even quicker next time. Praise the Lord that so far there has not been any complication: Another testimony to God's faithfulness in answering prayers. The Herceptin drip was a starter dose today so it took 90 minutes. If it continues to go well then it will be increased and be able to be infused in 30 minutes. That means that the whole procedure could happen in about 3 hours - what a special way to spend every Monday...


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting an update - it's amazing to be able to keep in touch this way. Praying very hard for you and your family - I love you all!

Heather said...

Hello Donna! We are praying for you, keeping you close in our hearts, and are sending you lots of support and love as you begin your treatments. Each day is a new day to keep fighting... and we know you are an incredibly strong and wonderful woman! That cancer won't know what hit it!! Lots of love, Heather (Jeff, Julian and Jeremy too!)

Anonymous said...

Donna, you are in my prayers, as well. So sorry you must go through this trial, but God is faithful and we trust Him to see you through this to victory.
JoAnn Glock

Anonymous said...

You are an extraordinar lady....I have always been in awe of you! You have ALWAYS been an encourager to me and haved blessed me more than you know. I am sure that God has his hand on you right now and will continue to watch over you and your family. To know that you have SO many who love you and your family and are praying for you mightly is a testimony to how you have blessed others. Thank you for allowing me to share your struggle with you. I love you
Barbara Garcia

Anonymous said...

You have been a tremendous blessing to me for a long time. We have shared so much. You have a way of making each person in your life feel special-including me. I just know that heaven is filled with the prayers of many on your behalf. Each day, remember that God is faithful. I love you, friend!
Linda Pence

Anonymous said...

Donna, I'm soooo glad that you have this blog. We can all keep up with how you are doing, without having to take you away from your job of getting well! You are such a loving, giving, unselfish wife, mother, and Christian woman. It is not going to be easy for you to think about, and do whatever it takes, to take care of yourself. Gasp! You might have to think of yourself first for a change!! You have a beautiful, strong faith and your God, mine too :) , is going to carry you through this trial. I have been praying for you, almost with every breath. Praying for peace, comfort and healing. I know he is able to answer our prayers in amazing ways. Hallelujah! If you ever need someone here on earth to listen to you, cry with you, laugh with you, or just give you a hug. I am here. I love you and your family. Love, Sharon.....Steve is praying too

Anonymous said...

Donna, I forgot to tell you how glamorous you look in your pictures. I love the pearls! :) --- and the mediport IS the way to go. Smart girl! Blessings on Friday. Sharon

Anonymous said...

Dear Donna,

You never stop amazing me and I find myself more in awe of you every day! Thank you so much for thinking of others (as always) and having this blog to keep us all updated and see your smiling face. You are of course in my thoughts and prayers and although I know this can't be easy, I also know you are strong, very loved and will get through this just fine. Please remember to take care and put yourself first, for once. Lots of love to you and the Ks!

Nicole Jensen said...

We are praying for you and your family and know that you will emerge even stronger and more on fire for the Lord... You are an amazingly strong woman and I admire your strength and courage.
I also wanted to tell you when we told the kids on Sunday after service, Tyler said he was going to spend his entire quiet time (and to him that is A LONG time) praying for you. You have made such an impact on all our children.
God Bless
The Jensen Family

Anonymous said...

The Blog is a great way to keep us all up on you & knowing specifically how & what to pray for! I walked along side a friend for her extent of chemo & radiation (breast cancer) ~ Mediport is the best way to go ~ extreme positivness even when sick, etc. ~ God ~ scriptures ~ your family ~ your Christian family ~ and our prayers & love for you! But then you know all of this! God is beside you every minute~~ Evelyn Acord

Joelle said...

Donna- the new hairdo is fantabulous! You look quite stylish. I am so happy to hear that the nausea is manageable at this point and that all is going relatively smoothly. I pray that things continue this way. So, what is next- a new wardrobe? A makeover? A sports car? Joelle

Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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