Monday, February 28, 2011

Kenna, Walking For the Cure

Hello friends, family, and supporters!

I'm glad you've been following my mom's progress and offering her so much encouragement! Since her diagnosis in December, I've decided to walk in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. I have been impressed by my mom's great attitude as she fights to show cancer who's in charge. I have also been impressed with the excellent care she's receiving from nurses and doctors during her treatment. I know there are many women who are not as fortunate as she is in their support network and medical treatment options. While I'm walking to honor my mom and her fight against breast cancer, I also want to support the important work this foundation is doing.

Please consider supporting me as I complete a long walk to end breast cancer! I know the traditional breast cancer color is pink, but my mom's more of a blue girl. So, in honor of that, I will be walking in blue shoes! Please look for more info about Blue Footed Boobies walking in honor of Donna McKenzie! I am working to raise $2300 before September and today I reached the $100 mark! I still have a ways to go, but I'm hopeful friends and family will come along side me and help me reach my goal. If you would like to donate online, please visit my personal website.

Here's a bit more of the particulars. The Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure™ is a 60-mile walk over the course of three days. I will be walking in San Francisco on September 9th-11th. Net proceeds from the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure™ are invested in breast cancer research and community programs.

Thank you! I appreciate it!


Here's one way you can help!

Set of five unique cards decorated with pink ribbons and buttons. Each set is $12 and every sale or donation helps me get closer to my goal of $2300.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Treatment Seven

Dear Friends,
Yesterday marked chemo treatment #7. My dear friend, Paty, took me to the treatment.

It went very quickly – just under three hours. I came home tired but feeling pretty well. So far, the side effects have been very minimal. We will see what happens tomorrow. 
It is exciting to see my countdown chain getting smaller. Only five more loops to go. YEAH!!!
One challenge I am having is that Kedrick and Kalyn are both down with a fever, cough and generally feeling yucky. It’s really hard to be a mom and nurse when you aren’t supposed to get close to anyone who is ill. Yesterday when Kedrick got sick, Kalyn played nurse for a while but now she’s not feeling well. Right now, I prepare their trays, zip into their room and then go and wash may hands with lots of anti-bacterial soap. We’re praying that they heal quickly.
Thank you for the continued prayers and words of support. They truly make each day easier.
Love, Donna

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chemo Tuesday

Hello friends!

I didn’t have chemo yesterday as the infusion center was closed for the holiday. The nurses deserve a day off, too!  I’m having chemo today and will be hopefully getting a post up later in the day or by tomorrow.

And a quick word of praise - Kedrick and Kalyn returned home safely from the speech tournament and had a very positive experience. 

Thank you for all your support, prayers and encouragement! Love, Donna
Friday, February 18, 2011
It’s Friday again. This week has been a really good week. I did have a little bit of a headache on Wednesday and Thursday but was able to handle it with meds. Drugs can be your friend at times! Yesterday, I was able to visit with three different friends during the day. What a treat. Today, Ken is home, another treat. I even get to have Monday off as the clinic is closed. I will still do the lab work on Sun. but will then have the infusion on Tues. 
Wednesday saw me saying good bye to Kedrick and Kalyn as they ventured off to another speech tournament. This one was different as they went with another family – in other words, no older sibling with them. I talked to them this morning and their first day had gone well. Kalyn gave her first impromptu speech and it was 3:47. She felt that she had done well on her other speech about a lighthouse heroine. Kedrick felt his speeches, all five of them, had gone well. They will give their speeches again today and then there will the announcements of who gets to proceed to quarterfinals later today. They should arrive home on Sunday. What a blessing it is to have other families help you when you’re not able to do it yourself! I am hoping to be able to attend part of a tournament either in March or April. It’s always different to see them perform their speech in their speech attire and in from of judges. We’ll see what the Lord has planned for me.
Monday, February 14, 2011

The Half-Way Mark – YEAH!!

If you were in Mt. View this afternoon at 1:30 and heard a big shout then maybe you were near the Palo Alto Medical Clinic. Today I had my sixth treatment and reached the half-way mark in this phase of the journey. All I can say is “Praise the Lord”.  It’s a good feeling to know that I’m now on the downhill portion of the adventure.

I even remembered to take one of my Dora band-aids so I didn’t have to leave with a gauze and paper tape band-aid.

I also got to go to the appointment with my favorite valentine, Ken. What a special way to spend the morning, me snoozing after getting the Benadryl and Ken reading bee journals with no interruptions for about an hour. Ken’s now back at work and I’m getting ready for another nap.
Thank you for the prayers and words of encouragement. They are what gets me through when the going gets tough. How blessed I am to know that God is bigger than this and will carry me through this journey when I get weary.   
(dancing feet)

Weekend Memories - Jan 11 - 13

This weekend was probably the most challenging thus far. I did not rebound like I have previous weekends. Hopefully this will just happen once but we’ll know more once next weekend rolls around. 
I did have some highlights though:
Highlight #1 – Going to the Adventure Camp Leadership Planning meeting. How exciting to begin making the plans for the upcoming Adventure Camp! Great things are in store for the campers, teens, and adult workers.
Highlight #2 – I went with my Aunt Shirley and was treated to my very first pedicure. I didn’t know my toes could look so adorable. Now for some warm weather to show off my cute tootsies.
Highlight #3 – Celebrating Ken’s birthday. Praise the Lord that I felt well enough to cook him his favorite dinner – pork chops, applesauce, his favorite frozen salad, Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes and a chocolate cream pie for dessert. What a joy to have the entire family home to celebrate!

Highlight #4 – As a family we attend AWE. What a treat to get to worship with everyone and celebrate the Lord’s Supper with my favorite friend, Ken. Both the music and message was inspiring and helped to know that I can face the next few weeks. Ken and I were also able to pray with an elder and receive encouragement from that.
Highlight #5 – Watch a “grown-up” movie with ken and munching on popcorn late into the evening. We finished up celebrating his birthday and enjoyed a part of our own Valentine’s Day date. Again I’m reminded that it is the simple things in life that are meaningful.
(When I begin to list my blessings, maybe my weekend wasn’t as challenging as I thought!)
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lots of Good News…

I just returned home from my oncologist appt. The good news is that the tumor continues to shrink.  Praise the Lord!  The plan right now is to continue with the remaining rounds of chemo and then we will re-evaluate mid March to see if I need surgery or continue on with a different treatment of chemo. 
The other good news is that with a “tweaking” of the drugs and an adjustment from my favorite chiropractor I don’t have a headache today. What a blessing!!! I did have a “dull” headache yesterday but it was manageable. Thank you, prayer warriors, for your dedication.
It looks as if my dad will be going home today after his hip replacement. He is doing well. He has been able to walk around the hospital and hopes to master the stairs today. Thank you for the prayers on his behalf!
Monday, February 7, 2011

Chemo, Week Five

Yeah!!! Chemo treatment #5 is history. Only seven more to go! Today’s infusion lasted under three hours so it was a quick process. Anna, was my nurse. I seem to get her every other week. It is nice to have someone you feel comfortable with. She gave me my steroid using a drip method instead of using a syringe to see if that might help with the headaches.  It is so nice to work with a team of professionals who are trying to make this journey as easy for me as possible.

We’re going to tweak my meds for Wednesday and Thursday and hopefully be able to deal with the headaches in a more proactive way.  If that doesn’t work, they’ve told me there are other drugs we can try.  I see my oncologist on Thursday so hopefully I’ll get more good news then.  It’s exciting to think that I’m almost half done with part of the journey.

I Wear Many Hats (or at least, I will...)

Saturday, my daughter, Kenna hosted a “Hat Shower” for me along with some help from Chandra and Debbie.  What a blessing the afternoon was! I was surrounded by a group of dear friends who showered me with visible examples of their love and concern for me. 
God blessed that afternoon with a glorious spring day. I was equally blessed to receive a rainbow of gift bags, cards, and boxes filled with hats, scarves and "bling" of every color, shape and style. Hats to sleep in or hang around the house in, hats for fancy-dress to Sunday-best. Hats for when I want to blend in, and hats for when I want to stand out from the crowd. Hats (and scarves) for hot days and for cooler ones.

One bag was filled with many hats –  a flapper's cloche, a French beret, a vintage felt Fedora complete with a feather (Kenna is eyeing that one), and even a gorgeous Mexican sombrero (which was on loan in honor of the day, and which I lovingly returned), and finally, a cozy fleece camouflage hat for those days when I want to blend in. 

Needless to say, there were many laughs (and tears) when I modeled these hats.  One of my guests reminded me that when I put on each of the hats I’m to remember that I am covered with love and to be sure to feel that love. 
Thank you, ladies, for blessing me in ways you don’t even know. I appreciate your love, prayers and words of encouragement. Today was another humbling experience on this journey. 

Okay God; I’m beginning to see maybe one of the lessons you’re wanting me to learn.
Friday, February 4, 2011

What God Hath Promised

Growing up, I remember reading this poem, which hung in my parent’s bedroom. It was handwritten by my Grandmother Workley.

What God Hath Promised
By Annie Johnson Flint

God hath not promised skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love

During the days after my diagnosis the first line of this poem ran in my years.  It served to remind me that we will have tough times in this life but God is there with us every step of the way.
This week had been a week of mixed blessings. Chemo went well on Monday. With the help of my prayer warriors, there was only a slight headache on Wednesday. Thursday, however, I woke up to a pretty fierce headache which I could not shake all day. 
My children were wonderful to let me just sleep. Kalyn even read me a bit from The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. One of the soccer moms dropped off a delicious Indian fusion meal, so I had a yummy way to end the day. Today, Friday, my dear Aunt Shirley came over and gave me a manicure. Now, I’m waiting for a friend to arrive so we can go out to lunch. 
It’s amazing the little blessings God sends us each day. We just have to keep our eyes open to see them. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One Third

Yeah!!! I’m one-third of the way done with this round of chemo. Today’s round went well.  I was blessed with Ken taking me. He was able to see how the port makes it much easier. It took just under three hours and with a sip of Sprite I didn’t experience the metallic taste during the flushing of the port with saline. The nurse, Peggy, also removed the steri-strips from the port surgery and feels that the incisions are healing well. God is good. 
Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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