Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lots of Good News…

I just returned home from my oncologist appt. The good news is that the tumor continues to shrink.  Praise the Lord!  The plan right now is to continue with the remaining rounds of chemo and then we will re-evaluate mid March to see if I need surgery or continue on with a different treatment of chemo. 
The other good news is that with a “tweaking” of the drugs and an adjustment from my favorite chiropractor I don’t have a headache today. What a blessing!!! I did have a “dull” headache yesterday but it was manageable. Thank you, prayer warriors, for your dedication.
It looks as if my dad will be going home today after his hip replacement. He is doing well. He has been able to walk around the hospital and hopes to master the stairs today. Thank you for the prayers on his behalf!


jeanneqw said...

Praise God for your good news, Donna.
Good news on our front as well. Your Dad is sleeping soundly in his new recliner. He begins his journey with Physical Therapy this afternoon. Thank you for adding him to your prayer list. We are blessed.

Helen Bratko said...

PTL! So happy to hear this.

Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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