Friday, February 18, 2011
It’s Friday again. This week has been a really good week. I did have a little bit of a headache on Wednesday and Thursday but was able to handle it with meds. Drugs can be your friend at times! Yesterday, I was able to visit with three different friends during the day. What a treat. Today, Ken is home, another treat. I even get to have Monday off as the clinic is closed. I will still do the lab work on Sun. but will then have the infusion on Tues. 
Wednesday saw me saying good bye to Kedrick and Kalyn as they ventured off to another speech tournament. This one was different as they went with another family – in other words, no older sibling with them. I talked to them this morning and their first day had gone well. Kalyn gave her first impromptu speech and it was 3:47. She felt that she had done well on her other speech about a lighthouse heroine. Kedrick felt his speeches, all five of them, had gone well. They will give their speeches again today and then there will the announcements of who gets to proceed to quarterfinals later today. They should arrive home on Sunday. What a blessing it is to have other families help you when you’re not able to do it yourself! I am hoping to be able to attend part of a tournament either in March or April. It’s always different to see them perform their speech in their speech attire and in from of judges. We’ll see what the Lord has planned for me.


Helen Bratko said...

It was great to see your kids at Inland. Praying for you daily.

Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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