Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Treatment Seven

Dear Friends,
Yesterday marked chemo treatment #7. My dear friend, Paty, took me to the treatment.

It went very quickly – just under three hours. I came home tired but feeling pretty well. So far, the side effects have been very minimal. We will see what happens tomorrow. 
It is exciting to see my countdown chain getting smaller. Only five more loops to go. YEAH!!!
One challenge I am having is that Kedrick and Kalyn are both down with a fever, cough and generally feeling yucky. It’s really hard to be a mom and nurse when you aren’t supposed to get close to anyone who is ill. Yesterday when Kedrick got sick, Kalyn played nurse for a while but now she’s not feeling well. Right now, I prepare their trays, zip into their room and then go and wash may hands with lots of anti-bacterial soap. We’re praying that they heal quickly.
Thank you for the continued prayers and words of support. They truly make each day easier.
Love, Donna


Anonymous said...

Hi Donna
Five more Chemo treatments! We are so happy for you each time you get to tear one more off your paper chain. Hope that Kedrick and Kalyn are feeling better. Hope that you have been able to avoid whatever bug that they had. Gods continued blessings this week for all of you. Lorraine

Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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