Monday, February 7, 2011

I Wear Many Hats (or at least, I will...)

Saturday, my daughter, Kenna hosted a “Hat Shower” for me along with some help from Chandra and Debbie.  What a blessing the afternoon was! I was surrounded by a group of dear friends who showered me with visible examples of their love and concern for me. 
God blessed that afternoon with a glorious spring day. I was equally blessed to receive a rainbow of gift bags, cards, and boxes filled with hats, scarves and "bling" of every color, shape and style. Hats to sleep in or hang around the house in, hats for fancy-dress to Sunday-best. Hats for when I want to blend in, and hats for when I want to stand out from the crowd. Hats (and scarves) for hot days and for cooler ones.

One bag was filled with many hats –  a flapper's cloche, a French beret, a vintage felt Fedora complete with a feather (Kenna is eyeing that one), and even a gorgeous Mexican sombrero (which was on loan in honor of the day, and which I lovingly returned), and finally, a cozy fleece camouflage hat for those days when I want to blend in. 

Needless to say, there were many laughs (and tears) when I modeled these hats.  One of my guests reminded me that when I put on each of the hats I’m to remember that I am covered with love and to be sure to feel that love. 
Thank you, ladies, for blessing me in ways you don’t even know. I appreciate your love, prayers and words of encouragement. Today was another humbling experience on this journey. 

Okay God; I’m beginning to see maybe one of the lessons you’re wanting me to learn.


Anonymous said...

Such a cute idea to have hat party. I'm so glad to hear the tumor is shrinking. Just letting you know I'm keeping you in my prayers. God is good!

Nancy P.

Anonymous said...

WOW, how wonderful & how fun! You are looking great for having 5 chemo sessions ~ praying the headaches will subside ~ continuing for more blessings from God for you ~ it is awesome to see your kids in the fight for you too ~ great testimony! Evelyn Acord

Donna McKenzie was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 14, 2010. This is the story of her journey; a place for her to share her experiences, and for you to share your thoughts and prayers for Donna and her family.

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